I used to Volunteer at the Vancouver Art Gallery. I was an Ambassador in the front lobby for a couple of summers. After I closed my stores, I wanted to do some things that I had always wanted to do. As I had volunteered in the Arts in Abbotsford for years...I was curious to see how a large professional Art Gallery was run. It was fascinating, and I met people from all over the world. I think the Gallery Store is one of the nicest ones I have seen. The selection of items is well edited, and the store walks that fine line between educational and FUN! I realize that there are many thousands of people who live and work in Vancouver who have NEVER seen an exhibition at the VAG. Does this mean they have never shopped in the store? It's an interesting question. If you are not familiar with the Arts, perhaps you think that you can only visit the shop if you pay to see an exhibit. Not True. Perhaps you think that the merchandise for sale in the shop is all related to the current exhibits. Not true.
Perception of an institution like the VAG, is similar to perception of your business. Do you know what customers are saying about you, or what they think of your business? Would it surprise you to hear that customers think your clothing is only for skinny teen aged girls. Or that your sandwiches are good, but too expensive? Or that your store is too 'fancy' and they feel uncomfortable going in to look around if they feel they are not dressed up enough? Even if all of the above statements are completely false, if even ONE of your potential customers thinks this way...you are missing out on a potential sale.
This is where Social Media comes in VERY handy. A blog, or a business Facebook Page, or a website tell your customers who you are, and what you are, and in the instance of facebook, tells them who LIKES you, and who your FRIENDS are! This sort of information is essential in today's busy world. As I have said many times: CUSTOMERS ARE BUSY PEOPLE! They do not have time to waste visiting businesses that are not what they are looking for! Doing 5 minutes of on-line research can give customers a FEELING for who you are as a business. Sometimes, 5 minutes is all the time you have to make an impression, AND win a new customer.
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