As an add-on to yesterday's blog about music in your store, especially HOLIDAY music in your store, I thought I would leave a list of my all time favorites! I also wanted to stress the fact that Holiday music doesn't have to be FULL-ON...8 hours a day! In fact, if you don't want a staff mutiny on your hands, I would suggest mixing holiday music in with other selections. Every one's taste is different, and you have to make the music appropriate to the feel of your store, but don't be afraid to mix it up a bit, and poll your staff, and or customers to see how you are doing.
Cathy's Holiday Music Must-Haves:( in no particular order...)
A Charlie Brown Christmas: Vince Guaraldi- My hands-down,Go-To, Christmas classic. It's as fresh today, as it was in the 1960's. 'Christmastime is Here' has GOT TO BE one of the most recognizable tunes in the universe! If you have even a COUPLE of Baby Boomers as them sing along as they stand happily in line!
Hip Holidays-Volume 2-Potterybarn: Various Artists- I love all the potterybarn compilations...but this one has some of the smoothest jazz artists of all time singing about the Holidays. People like Lou Rawls,Peggy Lee, and Lena Horne. Perfect for early morning or late night when customers are wanting a bit of comfort in their shopping day.
Making Spirits Bright: Dean Martin- Speaking of SMOOTH...Dino always makes it onto my Holiday play list. 'Baby it's cold outside' has got to be one of the sexiest Christmas tunes ever written!
Merry Christmas: Mariah Carey- Don't laugh! This is very early Mariah...a bit before all the vocal theatrics began. 'Miss you most at Christmastime' is a beautiful Christmas love song, and the whole collection has a nice gospel vibe to it.
Let the Ho-Ho-Hoing BEGIN!!
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