If my store had looked as pretty, and as festive as this...I think I would have had customers OVER more often! HA! The idea of hosting 10 to 50 people inside my cramped little store, and serving them wine and cheese and snacks that they could have easily spilled all over the new clothing and accessories I had just unpacked, struck me as foolhardy. But it is the Holiday Season! Shouldn't we be Thanking our BEST customers by inviting them into our stores, and serving up some Christmas cheer, as well as a nice little discount? It's a question that I would like you to consider.
I attended an open house for a local retailer last Friday. I don't know where I picked up the invitation, as I hadn't been in the store in ages, and am certainly not one of her BEST customers. The invitation was soooo pretty. It looked expensive. The paper was sort of iridescent, the colour of freshly fallen snow. The time of the open house was generous, sort of an all day affair, 10 am to 7 pm. I got there around 6 pm, and am sorry to report that it was the most depressing affair I had ever been to. Lined up behind the till was the owner and 3 sales associates. A man dressed as Santa was standing near the front window. The conversation between Santa and the 4 women was all about how disappointed they were it was so slow, and they decided to send one of the associates home, as there was only an hour left, and probably no one else was going to come. If you haven't already guessed, I was THE ONLY CUSTOMER!! Honestly, if Santa hadn't been blocking the door...I probably would have made a run for it!
So...have I scared you into NEVER having an open house? I hope not. I believe that in this economy, you have to plan an event down to the smallest detail. If you are not committed to doing that, you could end up my next cautionary tale! Customers are BUSY this time of year. Make your event a MUST-ATTEND event! If you have any marketing budget left, hire a party planner. If not, do you have a staff member or a friend who just LIVES for an event? He or She is the one you want! Make sure your event has a clear purpose. Are you showcasing Holiday merchandise? Are you having a special discounted evening JUST for your BEST customers? Are you celebrating having great customers by asking them to stop by, so you can give them a drink and a snack, and a discount coupon to be used after Christmas...as well as a little goodie bag? Once you have a plan...DO IT!! I always believe that some of the most successful events happen because the INTENTION is good.
Remember Santa has a list...Do something NICE for your customers this season. They will remember you for it.
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