When I had my store, I was always aware if a customer had come in alone...or if there was someone else with them. Sometimes the person was minding the dog outside, sometimes a husband or partner decided to stay on the sidewalk, sometimes the dog stayed outside with a child or grandchild. In all of these instances...the customer in my store was on 'borrowed time'. If I had any hope of making a sale, or even a good impression, I had to consider, the 'shadow customer' lurking outside my front door. Shopping is NOT an activity to undertake when you are on any kind of time limit. It makes the whole activity a sprint...instead of a stroll. It doesn't matter what type of thing you are shopping for, clothes, food, furniture, even a place to eat a nice lunch...if you think that you have to hurry up because someone is WAITING FOR YOU...it takes all the fun out of it.
I spotted this chair outside a favorite gallery of mine on Granville Island. I thought it was brilliant! The decoration suggests gallery...and the soft seat suggests, 'Relax...she,or he,or they will be out in a bit.' Sometimes the reason a customer decides NOT to buy, has nothing to do with your merchandising, or price point, it has to do with the shadowy figure waiting outside. Make them comfortable...say, hi! Maybe even offer them a chair in the sun...
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